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53 Vehicles Available

Used Automatic Cars Leicestershire

As far as a sizable minority of UK licence holders is concerned, no matter how good a vehicle might be, if it doesn’t come with automatic transmission, it’s no use.

Happily, here at Motors Coalville, Leicestershire, we offer a wide choice of used automatic cars for sale. What’s more, we make it easy to find what you’re looking for. Simply click on the ‘More Options’ tab at the top of the page, select ‘Transmission’ and check the ‘Automatic’ box and you’re good to go.

If you require a specific type of vehicle, all you need to do is click on the ‘More Options’ tab again and you’ll be able to see which ‘Body Styles’ are currently available.

We feature all kinds of high-quality used automatic cars, produced by marques you know and trust, such as Ford, Jeep, Honda, Mazda, Mercedes-Benz, SEAT and Volkswagen.

All of our used cars have been diligently sourced and exhaustively tested. Most are AA-approved too – and the majority are provided with a 12-month warranty and Roadside Assistance.

If you find a used automatic car that appeals, please don’t hesitate to reserve it online – or get in touch with the Motors Coalville team to book your test drive.